티스토리 뷰


Palatable Eel Barbecue

나미옥이야 2017. 12. 23. 10:31

Korean eel barbecue

tasty and tender

juicy and enjoyable



Have you tried this palatable eel barbecue at 금강민물매운탕 in Gyeongju? The savory in spice and some sweetness will rock your Korean meal, loved it with thin slice of ginger!



Savor it with these flavorful side dishes you'll enjoy! Bring family and friends to enjoy more!



Wow, it is loaded with bounty flavors and taste, hurry visit now and savor this palatable eel barbecue!



The place feels like home and it is very traditional, enjoy Korean food with love!



Come and share this Palatable Eel Barbecue!
