티스토리 뷰


Finest Japanese Restaurant in Town

나미옥이야 2018. 6. 12. 19:41

the best in town indeed

let your sushi stay fresh longer

clean, cozy and comfy



Wow, look how perfect and mouthwatering our fresh sushi! Do you know that there's a special reason why they are inside this round beautiful sushi box? For them to preserve each of its freshness and taste! The sushi master explained that air cannot come out nor come in, making it fresh longer! Wow!



Plus the knives are all from Japan and cost a lot of money! One beautiful sushi knife to cut our fresh fish and others costs $1,300 already! Isn't that special? This is indeed the finest Japanese restaurant in town!



You don't need to visit Japan to savor sashimi, sushi and other Japanese cuisine here in Korea!



The finest Japanese restaurant in town seems like a Japanese street inside! It is so cool and amazing!



Come on now, visit and share the Finest Japanese Restaurant in Town!
